Gâteau de Quatre Royales aux Fraises Macérées et Chantilly

On March 2nd, the Znooty kitchen was destroyed when a tree fell on it. Since then, I had been cooking in a dorm kitchen that was anything but Znooty. But this week, we moved back into our house, complete with a new, Znootier kitchen. To celebrate, I made the Znootiest confection I could think of.

Piña Colada Rum Cake

Yesterday I made piña coladas. They tasted ok, but they weren’t frozen or emulsified enough because my blender is not quite up to this task. I had some cream of coconut and pineapple and rum left, so I made the cake you see above. It is very dense and sweet and rummy. I also added some candied ginger which gave it a bit of bite.

Next time I have piña colada makings, I will skip the frozen beverages and make cake.

If you hate filling out your time sheet…

Jus d’orange

Paris has many machines that squeeze oranges and dispense the juice. These are found at little shops and in markets. This one is in a train station, right next to the trains:

For 2€ you get a little shot of OJ. It’s fresh and a bit pulpy with a bit of of zesty bite and not much acidity. Délicieux!